Tuesday, 4 November 2008

These Boots Were Made For Mincing (and that's just what we'll do...)

A: A while back we showed you guys a few sole flavoured treats to warm up our winter. Well guess what? It's still cold, in fact, I just cut a steak with my nipple. Unfortunately, this season the high street seems to have maxed out all its resources in the 'Homme' department making all things plaid & slim fit.

The boot department as a result, has been severely lacking. Mainly consisting of clunky 'Westwood-esque' copies & sheepskin lined monstrosities that are mostly suited to those who favour a *take a deep breath* worker style jean *exhale*. Looks like you are going to give your loved ones lumps of coal this Xmas if want any of the following babies (apart from the ASOS grey suede boots, only 45 pounds, the cost of a 'good' night out).

From Top to Bottom: Alexander Mcqueen, Balenciaga (both available at Browns), Asos, Narrative, Narrative

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